Jeremy Evers

Atlantis status

by admin on March 10th, 2008

It’s been a while since I have given an update.  Once snowboard season is over, I will have a few more cycles to dedicate to Atlantis.

In the Atlantis Manual I have a wish-list in the future section. Most of these are GUI and file related. This means that the synth engine has matured to a level that I am happy with.

I sent a build to some of the Atlantis test team a while back.  The feedback has been good, and there will be a new build soon with the following features:

I’ve been dragging my ass on the new GUI code, but I will get to it.  Hang in there…

Filed under: Atlantis, Rants

Atlantis VSTi Beta 0.9e

by admin on December 3rd, 2007

Holy shit!  An Atlantis update! 

I fixed a frustrating GUI bug where the GUI and internal values were out of sync while working on an experimental Atlantis module.  The new module is not yet ready for public consumption, but I will let you have the fix. 

You can download it here and read the manual at

Atlantis VSTi Beta 0.9d

by admin on May 18th, 2007

I fucked up the delay when optimzing Atlantis 0.9c.  That’s no good at all. 

I’ve put together a new version that fixes that problem, and also makes some of the UI elements more visible. 

Thanks to everyone that reported the problem, I appreciate the feedback.

You can download it here and read the manual at

Atlantis VSTi Beta 0.9c

by admin on May 7th, 2007

The intel test reports have come back positive.  That’s a good thing.  I am pleased to announce a new release of Atlantis.

What’s new?

You can download it here and read the manual at


Anti-denormal fixes

by admin on May 1st, 2007

atlantisI’ve spent a few hours replacing Atlantis‘ lax anti-denormal code for you poor poor intel users.   I’m about 1/3 of the way through the filter algorithms.  I’ve been optimizing them as I go so everything should be even easier on good cpus, too. 

I sent off a build to a poor poor intel user for testing, and if it goes well, I will carry on.

I also added a table of contents to the Atlantis manual the other day, and cleaned it up a little. 

Shandar won the Atlantis ePiano challenge, and as promised, will be rewarded with the respect of his peers.

Filed under: Atlantis, Links

Atlantis Manual pdf

by admin on April 27th, 2007


A number of people have asked me to provide the Altantis manual in pdf format.  Although anyone could easily copy and paste it into Open Office to make their own pdf, I have done exactly that to save you the trouble:

Atlantis Manual pdf

I recommend using the online manual at as it will be kept up-to-date.  The pdf is shitty.

Filed under: Atlantis

Atlantis Presets

by admin on April 26th, 2007

atlantisA lot of people have been asking about presets for Atlantis.

To help get you started: 

Atlantis Preset Collection 1

Inside of that are some great organ and classic synth sounds by Jason Long, some Residents-inspired tones by Bryan Collins, and some basic nonsense of my own.

The original design was to have an online repository of sounds where users could share, categorize and rate sounds.  Mick Rippon put a lot of hard work into the design and back end of it, but unfortunately the server that was hosting it is now gone.

I have also updated the documentation to include a few things that were overlooked.  Dont even try to pretend that you know what everything does- go check it out at: 

If you have some sounds that you really like and would like to share, send them to me and I will include the best of the best in a future preset collection.

Atlantis VSTi beta 0.9b

by admin on April 18th, 2007


Here is the latest version of Atlantis for your enjoyment:

Atlantis VSTi beta 0.9b

I warn you, it may kick your ass.  Be sure to check the documentation to increase your wisdom.

Atlantis Documentation

by admin on April 15th, 2007

atlantisThe long lost documentation of Altantis has been found and brought up to date.  It can be read here: - or by the Atlantis link over there –>

Filed under: Atlantis

Atlantis VSTi beta 0.8.9j

by admin on April 13th, 2007

atlantisI’ve been hoarding this for too long. 

Here is a beta version of my awesome VST synth and effects unit:

Atlantis VSTi beta 0.8.9j

Atlantis can use mono or stereo chip samples to create any waveshape that you could ever desire.  To enable this feature, just copy .wav files with the chipsound in them into the c:\chips folder and restart Atlantis.  Here’s some to get you started:

Altantis sample waveforms

I’ll have to see if I can dig up the documentation.  It may be difficult since the TWiki with all the bug reports, todo lists, documentation and hard work Mick did on the online repository got eaten by some stupid internet shark.

All of the urls in Atlantis 0.8.9j point to my old domain.  Do not be fooled- is the official new home of Atlantis

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